School Candidates

Who can apply for “European PhD on AOPs” label?

The PhD Candidate can apply for “European PhD on AOPs” label if the following requirements are fulfilled:

  1. The PhD thesis deals with environmental applications of AOPs;
  2. The PhD Candidate is supervised by a member of the Scientific Committee of the School;
  3. The PhD Candidate has spent at least 3 months working in a University/Research Institute located in a different Country than that where the Candidate carried out the PhD thesis (a reference letter from the supervisor at host Laboratory/Institution should be provided by the candidate together with the application form);
  4. The PhD Candidate thesis (or at least an extended summary) should be written in English;
  5. The PhD Candidate already awarded with a PhD in the last 2 years, can submit his/her thesis to the Chair of the School to be evaluated and eventually awarded with “European PhD on AOPs”; differently, the label is automatically awarded in the case that the candidate, meeting all four previous requirements, successfully completes their PhD defense and at least one member of the evaluation committee is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the School.

Who can apply for “School Candidate”?

PhD students meeting the requirements 1 and 2 from the previous list can apply as candidate for “European PhD on AOPs” label

Why apply for “School Candidate”?

PhD Candidates can take advantage of:

  • periodic updating about the initiatives organized by the School;
  • events organised by the School (e.g., Summer schools, workshops and seminars) free of charge;
  • special reduced fee to attend to AOPs related Conferences;
  • scholarships/grant opportunities;
  • possible collaborations between School and Enterprises

How to apply

For application as School Candidate or to be awarded with “European PhD on AOPs” label, the respective forms should be filled in. Please download the corresponding form from the link below, as well as to get further details.


PhD Candidate Application Form

European PhD on AOPs Award Form

Application as “School Candidate”

PhD students meeting the requirements 1 and 2 set by the MC can apply as School Candidate by filling in the candidate form and sending it by email to the Chair of the School and “CC” to secretary staff (please see contact page for details).

The Candidate will be notified as soon as possible about the result of her/his application.

Application for “European PhD on AOPs” label

The applicants meeting requirements from 1 to 4 set by the MC can apply to be awarded with “European PhD on AOPs” label by filling in the award form and sending it by email to the Chair of the School and “CC” to secretary staff (please see contact page for details), with an extended English abstract of the PhD thesis attached.


The candidate will be notified as soon as possible about names and addresses of the appointed reviewers (selected from the Scientific Committee members), whom paper thesis and possible related published papers should be sent to for the evaluation.

 The Chair will notify, possibly within two months, the applicant with reviewers’ decision:

  1. The thesis merits the award of the label.
  2. The thesis does not merit the award of the label.

 Applicants, who did not write their PhD thesis in English but meet the remaining requirements, can apply as well by submitting an English extended summary. The English extended summary should include:

  1. An Abstract summarizing the thesis work in a few hundred words;
  2. An Introduction section where the topic is introduced according to the most relevant and updated international scientific literature, and the originality/novelty of the work is clearly explained;
  3. The Objectives of the thesis clearly and analytically explained;
  4. A comprehensive Material and Methods section where instruments and no standardized methods are clearly explained;
  5. A Results and Discussion section where the results are clearly explained and discussed also according to the relevant and updated international scientific literature;
  6. Conclusion section where the main results and their contribution to knowledge advance are clearly explained.

PhD Candidates

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